March 2021

Dear Friends,
Greetings from Rift Valley Academy where we’re now only 3 weeks away from the end of term and have managed to get this far without a single case of Covid on campus, praise God.
We’re writing to let you know about a big transition ahead of us as a family…When we catch a flight to the UK at the end of July, it will not – for the first time in 15 years – be the outward leg of a round trip. Yes, that’s right…after much reflection, discussion and prayer, we have decided that this is the right time for us to relocate back to the UK.
Martha will come to the end of her time at RVA this Summer and, over the past few years, it’s become clear to us that she will need our support to make this transition. She’s already been through significant transition in her life (UK-Rwanda-Cameroon-Kenya) and it’s not something she finds easy. This time she’ll be transitioning to adulthood and university life as well as a new country and culture, so we know that she’ll need our help, at least for the first few years. Our plan is to rent a house wherever Martha gets a university place so that she can live at home with us for the time being.
It will be a wrench to leave Africa, of course, but there have been a number of encouragements as we’ve processed things over the past few months. Firstly, AIM and our sending church, Kensington Baptist in Bristol, agree with our decision and have been incredibly supportive, as have our other supporting churches.
Secondly, as we seek to support Martha, we also want to take account of Joe’s needs as we ask him to move countries at the age of 15. We’re thankful that a good schooling option has opened up for him where he can start in Year 10. Knowing where he’s going to end up is helping Joe as he comes to terms with leaving RVA a few years earlier than he was anticipating.
Thirdly, we’re thankful to God that He has brought another British family to RVA. Like us, they have worked in French-speaking Africa for many years. Sarah will take on all of Jan’s responsibilities – teaching French, running the School’s IGCSE programme and helping with UK university applications. Sarah has already begun shadowing Jan and we know she will do a great job of meeting these key needs at the School.
Fourthly and finally, we are obviously excited about being 5,000 miles closer to family and friends, and to our supporting churches.
We are very grateful that our need to come back to the UK doesn’t mean the end of our ministry with AIM. I (Bruce) will be able to carry on everything I’m currently doing. I will still be working as a Translation Consultant and as the Chair of the AIM Board. In terms of Scripture Engagement, I will focus on unreached groups amongst the African diaspora in Europe and also support a group of colleagues to do similar work in Africa itself. All of my roles will involve me travelling to Africa.
Jan will really miss her roles at RVA, but she’s hopeful that she'll be able to use her language skills and her teaching experience to work as an English language teacher with African and Middle Eastern people who’ve migrated to the UK.
In terms of finances, we will continue to be supported by churches and individuals.
We’d appreciate your prayers as we prepare for our departure whilst keeping up with our day jobs. Please also pray for Martha as she prepares for her Sociology A-Level exams in May. Unlike UK exams, international A-Levels are going ahead as scheduled.
With our love in Christ,
Bruce, Jan, Zoe, Martha and Joe x
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Our mailing address is:
Rift Valley Academy
P.O. Box 80, Kijabe 00220, Kenya