Holy Trinity Formby

Holy Trinity has registered with www.parishgivingscheme.org. This is the information you need when you ring to make your gifts to your church through the PGS:
Our full church name is:
Holy Trinity, Formby,
in the Diocese of Liverpool.
Our unique church code is:
The PGS phone number is:
0333 002 1271
(The call costs no more than a national call to a landline and counts towards inclusive minutes)
To change your Direct Debit,
once it is set up:
Register for an account with PGS and login, or
Simply ring the PGS team on
0333 002 1260,
or email info@parishgiving.org.uk.
You can also write to:
Parish Giving Scheme
76 Kingsholm Road
GL1 3BD.
Supporting your church
Giving through the Parish Giving Scheme
Why give through the Parish Giving Scheme?
The Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) is simply the best way you can support Holy Trinity. The PGS is an Anglican charity. Most Liverpool parishes have joined and over half of English dioceses support it. Joining the PGS makes a huge difference compared with weekly envelopes or cash on the plate because we can collect your gift now. It is more efficient than standing orders. Find out more at by clicking here .
Your gift is always in your full control (by logging into your account or by email or phone) with PGS. The Scheme is for every church member with a bank account. You do not need to pay tax.
Your gift leaves your account by Direct Debit on the 1st of each month. It is in the church account by the 11th and any Gift Aid reclaims by the end of the month. The PGS saves time and administration and helps with cash flow. Even though we can’t worship in church your gift will support our ministry and PGS helps us make generous giving part of our daily life and discipleship.
How do I join?
Have your bank details to hand ( account number, sort code and the name of your bank) and then:
Just click here to go to the Holy Trinity Formby page on the Parish Giving Scheme website.
Then under “Select your gift type” click on the “Regular Giving” button and fill in your details to register and sign up.
Or you can give to your Holy Trinity by making a ten-minute phone call:
Have your bank details to hand:
account number, sort code and the name of your bank. -
Have the church details found on the left to hand:
our church name and our unique PGS church code. -
Ring the PGS office in Gloucester on 0333 002 1271. They will guide you through the process.
If you are a taxpayer and wish to Gift Aid you can arrange this during your phone call. Any existing Gift Aid declaration to your church is unaffected.
You have the option to increase your giving by inflation each year. Many do this. If you do choose this, PGS will check with you every year to make sure you still want to increase your Direct Debit.
What happens next?
You will receive confirmation by email or post of your Direct Debit, the amount and date of your first PGS gift. If you already give by standing order, remember to cancel it once PGS have confirmed with you.
How much does it cost?
Nothing. The PGS makes no charge on your gift; everything you give goes into the church bank account.