Cubs, Scouts, Beavers
We are a popular Group; our Beavers and Cubs are busy doing badge work during winter, and out in the dunes and woods, orienteering and exploring in better weather. Our Scouts are active outdoors in all seasons and times of the day and night, bouldering, sailing, night incident hikes and orienteering. We have a total membership of about 85.
Group Scout Leader - John Carr - 07917 192833
Scouts - Thursday - Craig Mills - 07762 415600
Cub scouts - Wednesday - Jess Makin - 07966 572045
Beavers - Wednesday - Lucy Carr - 07905 586528
District Explorers - John Carr - 07917 192833
Brownies and Guides - Tuesdays
This is a popular and growing group with a wide range of activities, many leading to badges. We have fun together, have raised money for charity and went together for an amazing weekend adventure with PGL in Shropshire last summer.
All are welcome, feel free to ask more
Guides - Helen Gillon - 01704 231567
Brownies - Pam Marsh - 01704 834496
Pizza Eaters (Youth Group)
Meet monthly on the first Wednesday 6.30-8.00 pm.
A friendship group for young people aged about about 10-15 years old. We will be looking at the Gospel of Luke, preparing to lead etc the Family Service in March (and other Services later), eating pizza and other goodies and having fun together. We will have outings, as covid permits, and games outside in the better weather. There are about a dozen members and the leaders (all DBS checked) are mostly the parents of the young people. New members very welcome.
Sylvia Beardsell - 01704 875255
Little Tiddlers Toddler Group
We meet at 9.15-11.15 am every Monday morning during term time and provide a warm, friendly and relaxed atmosphere where children can play. We also provide a craft corner for the older ones.
We hope adults will take the opportunity to meet and chat.
Refreshments at 10.30 am. We end with music and tidy up together.
50p for each child and 50p each adult toward the cost of equipment.
Please note that this is not a Playgroup but a Parent/Toddler Group, where YOU are responsible for your child's safety and behaviour at all times.
Coffee Mornings
Holy Trinity Church foyer is open for coffee, tea and snacks on Monday morning between 10 am and 12 noon, and after morning service on Wednesdays. There is a coffee morning in the Workshop each Saturday.
Come along and enjoy our warm and welcoming hospitality!
Mothers' Union
Mothers' Union is a world-wide Anglican organisation promoting the well-being of families throughout the world. To be a member you must have been baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity and support the aims of the society.
The Mothers' Union meets on the second Thursday of each month. Please do come and join us!
HT Fellwalking Club
Get your boots on and join in the fun!
Walking on the second Saturday March to November.
Three graded and tested walks - coach transport from Formby village.
Food Bank
If you need help:
Get in touch with us on 01704 544419 or foodbank@lakesidecc.org.uk. We can talk through your situation and put you in touch with a relevant local agency.
Arrange a visit to the referral agency. They will discuss your situation and supply you with a foodbank voucher where appropriate.
Bring your foodbank voucher to your nearest foodbank centre.
You will be welcomed by volunteers to discuss your needs and prepare your food parcel.