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  News & Prayer letter August 2022

Nduli mission and outreach Nduli is a little village near Iringa, where the Church has asked us to build a health centre on a plot of land that has been allocated for a Health Centre by the government 12 years ago. The Trustees are praying about this request. Please pray with us. The Church school at Nduli has 390 students, and they pray and fast every Friday. Last year they did a seminar on the Holy Spirit and 19 of the older students said that they were practising witch doctors. This means that they were connecting with evil spirits to harm others. During the seminar, all 19 left their black magic and are now filled with Jesus’s spirit instead. 2 of these student witch doctors were especially powerful and were affecting many people in many places. Thank you Jesus, that you are over all.


The Church’s overall vision is to open health centres throughout Tanzania to help the poor communities access health near where they live and at a cost that they can afford. Also introducing them to Jesus, and offering prayer for the sick to be healed.

Presently the cost for government treatment increases daily. To see a Doctor alone is between 13,000—20,000/- (our Tazama na Tunza health centre is 1,000/-). Also our Tanzanian partners say that the government health treatment itself is still not good—very few places offer good , trustworthy care—the issues being no medicines, or being directed to very expensive private pharmacies to complete any treatment. The Health Centre that we built in 2018 in Dodoma to reach the poorest in the community, continues to thrive, seeing increasing numbers of patients every day and offering God’s love through good medical care and prayer in the House of Prayer, which all can access.



*The TAG Church is growing. *Christians in the church stand and live on the truth of the Bible, actively following what God desires. *God is blessing Zeph as he continues in his national role as Director of Youth and travels across the country to build up the next generation of believers. *God is blessing the Dodoma Church and the Tazama na Tunza Dispensary, though the spiritual warfare can be very hard.


*For the drought and extreme weather changes, ruining crops (snow in Tanzania?!) so that a famine is beginning to sweep across East Africa and Tanzania and the cost of every food source from maize to oil has doubled. All imports e.g. medicines, IT equipment has also trebled in price. The poorest in the community have NO social security benefits to support them, as we do in the West.

*For us to know God’s will for the Nduli Health Centre: how to respond to the Church’s request to help them build one. And then the money to build! (Zeph would continue to support us in overseeing the Nduli project.)

*For safety for Zeph as he travels far and wide in his national role.

If you would like to respond practically to any of these issues: our bank details are s/c: 08-92-99 and a/c: 65382637.

Tanzania (UK) Trust News

If you would like to host a Tanzanian evening, hear more about our work or for us to come and share for prayer: please contact me.

Also I sent out an invite for our group trip to Tanzania for 2 weeks in March 2023: if you are interested, please contact me.

News & Prayer letter March 2022

Well it was wonderful to see all that God is doing in Tanzania, after 2 years of not being able to visit because of the Covid Pandemic. Dr Laura and I went out in February. The Church is strong and growing. They are reaching out to communities far and wide with God’s love and are standing on the truth of the gospel of Jesus. It was lovely to see old friends and Tanzanian family of 30+ years, as well as to make new ones. After the social distancing in UK, I especially loved the hugs! God is being very kind to our Tanzanian partners, while around us there are a lot of struggles. I think their secret is that they have humbled themselves before God and are seeking to walk with Him. May we follow their example.


Samson has recovered from his road accident and is praying & preaching. Zeph is now fully into his national role as Director of Youth for Tanzania, as well as everything else he does: so please pray for him! The Tazama na Tunza Dispensary has filled my heart with joy. I am like a granny (which I am!) who has seen her children outgrow her! The biggest blessing to observe is their team-working: it is outstandingly good, with merging of professional boundaries to fit the needs of the patients. Yes, there is still work to be done and new skills to learn: but they are making such a difference to their community and patients are getting better, getting healed and seeing God’s love in action. The prayer house always seems to be full!


 The Prayer House More good news stories to follow! Meanwhile if you live near Tameside, we are having a Tanzanian Evening 6.30- 8.30 this Friday 25th March at Hope Community Church, Mottram SK14 6NF: with food, singing, stories and games to update people on what God is doing among our Tanzanian partners.


Ruth Chorley 07854688373



Update from our mission partners Tanzania (UK) Trust, March 2021

The Church continues to grow with Father God bringing new people every day from the 

community. The Church is about 1,100 in membership now. They have also changed their Elders’ system so that there is more turnover of elders, with new, younger elders bringing much needed support to the church. And they continue with Mission and Church planting in unreached areas.


COVID has returned to Tanzania and some of our friends and family have died. The 

Government called for another 3 days of prayer and fasting, calling on God’s mercy. However, to overcome the element of fear, the Government encourages life to carry on as usual, using precautions. So schools, markets, churches and businesses are open as usual. Many have had Covid and recovered including the Mkuyu family.


The Health Centre Tazama na Tunza (TTD) is now open 24 hours to meet the needs of increased numbers (up to 90+ a day) and those who are ill and arrive in the evening are still being treated late in the evening. The staff are all in agreement with this and their wages have increased minimally to cover this.


Pray that the Mothers' Unit scanner, that has been delayed due to the Covid in coming from China, will be delivered by the end of the month. Pray also that the Mothers' Unit fridge from the Government will arrive—we are still waiting and are presently using a neighbour’s Government fridge. 

Zeph has a new job as well as being a pastor and overseeing the Church, TTD and School: he is National Co-Ordinator of the Pastors' Children's Fellowship covering about 20,000 children. This national role comes without a wage rise (as is usual in their church). His old car went towards the Church School transport, so he is without a car and has to call motorbike taxis for transport to his meetings and church work. 

If you would like to support Zeph’s purchase of a fit-for-purpose, sturdy, pre-used car: please pray about donating for this:


Tanzania (UK) Trust 08-92-99, a/c 65382637 


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